Disney Plus: Había Una Vez
When we hear the words “Once upon a time,” we think of fairy tales like Cinderella and Snow White. Disney+ is turning the page on familiar stories by introducing Había Una Vez, a miniseries that celebrates and reimagines Latin American folk tales.
Bronze Addy Award 2022
Spec Work
Social Media Challenge
The #HabíaUnaVez challenge invites LatinX viewers to share their favorite childhood tales using the campaign’s hashtag and bespoke TikTok sound.
IGTV Series
Following the challenge, Disney+ will select thirty entries to be animated and featured on IGTV during Hispanic Heritage Month.
These short videos - ranging from bedtime stories to family legends - will come to life with the help of LatinX creators.
UI Updates
Disney+ will replace scrolling recommendations with personality quizzes, inviting viewers to discover which Había Una Vez character they are most similar to.
Once matched, users can easily share results across social media platforms.
CW: Jaclyn Soria
AD: Mollie Bond